Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The End of the Beginning of It All

Wow - sorry for the 4 month hiatus from the blog. It is hard to find the time amidst the many time consuming blessings of walking with God, being a husband, dad, pastor and friend.

Anyhow, here we go.

We just ended a series from Genesis entitled, "The Beginning of It All". Wow a wonderful time it has been. I trust God has blessed others as much as I have been blessed studying this book. We so need the book of Genesis. In it we find, in story form, the following key truths:

1. The origin and therefore the purpose of all creation - God! (Genesis 1:1)
2. The purpose and uniqueness of mankind - imaging God. (Genesis 1:26-2:25)
3. The importance of resting in God's finished work - the Sabbath. (Gen. 2:1-3)
4. The original and future realm of man & woman - in the royal garden paradise with God. (Gen. 2:4-25)
5. The God given blessing of gender roles - manhood & womanhood . (Gen. 1-3.)
6. Our unique God given role - to work with & for God. (Gen. 1-3)
7. The tragedy of life apart from God - sin. (Gen. 3:1-20)
8. God's amazing promise - gracious & sovereign redemption. (Gen. 3:1-24)

This book is so much more than children's bible stories - it sets the themes for the entire rest of the bible. How rich the word of God is and how wise its Author!!

Spend some time in Genesis 1-3 and enjoy its riches!


p.s. You can access the audio files from this series at http://www.kingofgrace.org/SundaymessageFILE/genesis1t3/genesis1t3.htm.

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