Thursday, May 29, 2014

99 Reasons for Faith - #93: His Word Speaks to Me

Still hoping to continue my 99 Reasons for Faith, but it might take longer than I expected....Anyhow...Reason #93: His Word Speaks to Me

This morning I was reading in the Bible in a number of places and each passage I read contained something which seemed more than mere information, something that came across as inspiration, something that conveyed the sense of God actually speaking to me.

I read Psalm 149:4 (ESV):
For the LORD takes pleasure in his people;
he adorns the humble with salvation.

And as I hit that verse I was encouraged by the thought that God, the infinite, glorious Creator and Sustainor of the entire universe actually enjoys caring for his people and blessing those who humbly depend on Him with salvation - that is rescue from sin and evil and the reward of true, everlasting and fulfilling life in Him. 

I don't think it was just my imagination, but God himself actually speaking to me through his word. And this happens to me all the time. How about you?

Yes, I know that this doesn't prove beyond all shadow of doubt that God and his word is real but it certainly adds weight to the evidence for faith. I also hope it encourages you in a real way today to believe in him.

Reason #93, His Word Speaks to Me.

Enjoy your day and may God himself speak to you through his word!

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